1300 764 427

Surging renewable energy sees record
supply to Australia’s electricity grid!

Electricity retailers have taken advantage of low wholesale prices!

These lower network costs to offer time-of-use plans with very low rates for grid electricity in the middle of the day – Some are even offering free or negative pricing to use power!

The large difference between the daytime off-peak rate and the high evening peak rate now make it possible for a home battery to pay for itself even if a household doesn’t have solar panels.

Electricity retailers have taken advantage of low wholesale prices!

These lower network costs to offer time-of-use plans with very low rates for grid electricity in the middle of the day – Some are even offering free or negative pricing to use power!

The large difference between the daytime off-peak rate and the high evening peak rate now make it possible for a home battery to pay for itself even if a household doesn’t have solar panels.


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SA Contractor License – PGE244983 | NSW Contractor License – 365890C | ACT Contractor License – 20211111

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