1300 764 427
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After many years in the industry, we know the best brands and companies to work with. We have carefully selected the finest, most reliable products to offer our customers.
Ready to save with the sun?
Why is the Soltaro AIO Heat System the best?
- Average annual energy savings of up to 80% for hot water heating
- Average daily consumption of 3 kWh electric energy for 315L hot water delivery
- Top-down heating and fast hot water production: 110 L/hr
- Up to 6 years warranty on heat pump and 15 years warranty on tank
- Save even more with Rebates
- Quietest system on the market with an average noise level of 37dB
- Ozone friendly CO2 refrigerant
- Built-in frost control operation
- Built in legionella control operation
- Smart top down heating mechanism for faster hot water access and recovery
- Superb cold weather performance.
Talk to the energy experts
Talk to the energy experts
SA Contractor License – PGE244983 | NSW Contractor License – 365890C | ACT Contractor License – 20211111